Strech Marks Cocoa Butter with Vitamin E Collagen 16 oz is a cream made with the purpose of eliminating and/or reducing the scars and stretch marks of the skin, caused by both maternity and weight gained or loss.
Stretch marks causes considerable distress and discomfort to those that have them. Some of the principles causes are maternity and obesity.
There are a lot off of invasive treatments to eliminate stretch marks like surgical methods, laser surgery and chemical methods like peeling and dermabrasion.
Usually, these methods are expensive and in some cases, there are not a 100 percent guaranty of success, including the non invasive methods or natural skin treatments like stretch creams.
Personal physical conditions like age, skin tone and diet are very important factors that influence the results of stretch marks removal.
Stomach, breast and buttocks and thigh are the most common areas of the body where stretch marks appears. Usually, those are the areas with highest amounts of fat stored.