Caffeine pills to Increase Energy
- Helps improve the energy balance
- Stimulates the nervous system (May HelpTreat Migraines)
- Supports fighting stress and fatigue
Adults: Take one (1) capsule daily as a diet supplement,preferable with a meal
This formula increases the body's energy to maximizeperformance, both at work and home, in order to motivate you to get up againststress, fatigue and lack of desire.
We have selected severalof the best natural products that increase energy production such as DHEA,Ginseng, Muira Puama and Green Tea, just to mention a few.
DHEA is actually asubstance that body creates naturally in the adrenal gland. The benefits ofthis ingredient are valued for their ability to help reduce stress, and fightfatigue and depression. It's involved also in the building of bones and muscletissue.
Ginseng is widely used intraditional Chinese medicine to help improve the body's energy balance.
Muira Puama is useful torelax the nervous system and stimulates the entire neural functioning.
Greentea is popular as a tonic drink and is rich in flavonoids.
حبوبالكافيين لزيادة الطاقة:
يساعدعلى تحسين توازن الطاقة
يحفزالجهاز العصبي (قد يساعد في علاج الصداع النصفي)
دعممحاربة الإجهاد والتعب
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and DrugAdministration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, orprevent any disease