Supports Bones and Muscles
This dietary supplement is a formula thatcombines Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc together with vitamin D that isessential for fixing calcium in the body
- Helps strengthen the immunesystem
- Supports the health of bones and theenergy production
- Helps prevent tissue calcification anddamage to arteries
- Involved in the absorption of Vitamin Eand A
Take 1-2 Caplets a day with or without food
يدعمالعظام والعضلات:
هذاالمكمل الغذائي عبارة عن تركيبة تجمع بين الكالسيوم والمغنيسيوم والزنك مع فيتاميند الضروري لتثبيت الكالسيوم في الجسم:
يساعدعلى تقوية جهاز المناعة.
يدعمصحة العظام وإنتاج الطاقة.
يساعدعلى منع تكلس الأنسجة وتلف الشرايين
يشاركفي امتصاص فيتامين أي و أأي.
Calcium isvital for developing and strengthening bones and to maintain good healthof teeth and correct level of blood clotting. Also it is involved in musclemovement and nerve impulses.
Magnesium helpswith the absorption of calcium and potassium and is needed forenergy production in the body. It also prevents the calcification of softtissue and supports arteries, especially during sudden changes in bloodpressure. It is important for bone formation and metabolism of minerals andcarbohydrates.
Zinc assistsin the functioning of the prostate and the development of reproductive organs.Regulates the activity of oil glands and is required for collagen formation andthe protein synthesis. It is a component of the insulin needed to facilitatethe use of glucose as energy in the body, and generally for nutrients to beutilized during metabolism. It is essential for bone formation and to maintainthe proper concentration of vitamin E, as well as to increase the absorption ofvitamin A
*This statement has notbeen evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is notintended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease